Ahmet with gourd


Pollitzer, Sigmund (1913-1982)




Sepia Wash




Sigmund Pollitzer came to Cyprus in the 40s and stayed for a few years. According to Christopher Hurst (The View from King Street, Thalia Press, 1977), during the war, Pollitzer and a group of homosexuals were betrayed to the police, tried and gaoled for engaging in homosexual acts in private. As a result, he left England and moved to Cyprus. In Cyprus, he painted artifacts, objects and portraits, mostly in watercolour. The sepia drawing presents Ahmet, a young Turkish Cypriot boy who often sat for the artist. At Ahmet’s feet rests a wicker basket and a gourd attesting to the boy’s rural Cypriot origins. In his autobiography, Hurst informs his readers of ‘the easy availability in Cyprus of young boys’ responding to the insatiable appetite of pederasts (Hurst 1977:143)


60 x 50 cm


Signed in lower right: Sigmund Pollitzer





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