Caterina Cornaro being received by the Doge of Venice upon her return from Cyprus


Baudin, Eugene (1843-1907)


ca. 1875




Inscribed on back: E. Baudin 18-edute (d’apres La Reine de Chypre recue a Venice de Carletto Caliari)


The history of the last tragic queen of Cyprus Caterina Cornaro was revived within the framework of historical paintings in the second half of the 19th century. The oil painting depicts Caterina being received by the Doge of Venice Augustino Barbarigo on 20th June 1489. In a solemn ceremony, the Doge is receiving the formal abdication and cession of her kingdom to the Segniory. Caterina is portrayed in the mourning colours of black to suggest the loss of her husband and her kingdom. She is escorted by an entourage of ladies-in-waiting. The Doge, together with his advisors, stands under a canopy. This scene has often been depicted by many artists including Paolo Veronese. On 11 October 1489, Caterina entered her ‘dominion’ of Asolo, a village north of Venice where she was to spend the rest of her days.


44 x 100 cm


Signed in lower left: E. Baudin, l.l.





Object Type:

Oil Painting

Rights Holder:

© Costas and Rita Severis Foundation

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