Tarsouli, Athina (1884-1975)
ca. 1950
Inscribed in lower left: Κύπρος - Αγία Μαύρα στο Κιλάνι -Λεμεσός αρ. 15 [Cyprus, St Mavra in Kilani, Limassol, No. 15]; Inscribed on back: (Long description of the history of the church in pencil in Greek)
Athina Tarsouli drew and painted a series of churches in Cyprus between 1950-60 for her book Kypros. Saint Mavra (meaning Black) is a church in Kilani village in the Limassol district. Cypriots believe that on the eve of the saint's commemoration day one should drink milk and consume dairy products, being white, so that their skin does not turn black like that of the saint. Shepherds do not make cheese on her commemoration date (3rd May) but offer milk to all guests. Legends also associate the saint with the appearance of black spots on women’s bodies that would not disappear until these women fulfilled her wishes. Furthermore, it is locally believed that one should not open chests on the eve of the 3rd of May or else a relative would die. Symbolically, the opening of chests is associated with the opening of graves. Black slaves were settled in the area towards the end of the Ottoman period. Most probably, the content of these beliefs alludes to an inherent fear of intermarriage with the blacks of the area
28 x 37 cm
Signed in lower right: A. Ταρσούλη
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