Kyrenia harbour


Congreve, Ellen Marjorie (1885-1972)


ca. 1935




Inscribed on back: Kyrenia harbor. M. E. Congreve £2.00


Marjorie Congreve studied painting for six months in Paris. In 1908, she married Galfrid Congreve and moved to Canada where she had three children. In 1932, she followed her son to Cyprus where she stayed till 1948. She lived in Kyrenia where she was locally known as ‘gathourou’ for her love of donkeys. Snubbed by the local British society, Marjorie lived among the locals teaching young girls handicraft. She painted views of Cyprus which she sold to complement her income. She worked mainly in pastels and watercolours. The tranquility of the Kyrenia harbour as depicted in this pastel work was what lured the British visitors into the town where they formed a small colony. It must be early morning as revealed by the presence of a fisherman unloading his catch on the pier. The lack of movement and the appearance of empty houses paint the picture of a backwater. The steeple of the church of Archangel Michael looms over the harbour bearing the only testimony to any kind of habitation.


33 x 25 cm


Signed on back: M. E. Congreve





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