Sakkarah Jan. 1944. A group taken whilst having lunch in the tomb of the blessed bull. Group includes S.S.M. McLaughlan Fritz Jochem, Mr. Davies & Lieut Gooding.




CPI. Geoffrey Smith R. A. P. C (Royal Army Pay Corps)


1944 - 01


Inscribed top centre of page: SAKKARAH Jan. 1944. Inscribed on page under photo: A group taken whilst having lunch in the tomb of the blessed bull. Group includes S.S.M. McLaughlan Fritz Jochem, Mr. Davies & Lieut Gooding.


Black and white photograph of S.S.M. McLaughlan, Fritz Jochem, Mr. Davies and Lieut. Gooding posing under a statue in the tomb of the blessed bull


6.2 x 5.1 cm

Alternative Title:

Group photo taken whilst having lunch in the tomb of the blessed bull including S.S.M. McLaughlan Fritz Jochem, Mr. Davies & Lieut. Gooding





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Rights Holder:

© Costas and Rita Severis Foundation

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The Costas and Rita Severis Foundation holds or manages the copyright(s) of this item and its digital reproduction. If you need information about using this item, please send an email to

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