The Cyprus Calendar 1950: Kyrenia


Last, J.S.






Printed in upper centre: The Cyprus Calendar 1950; Printed in lower left: With the compliments of the Director of Antiquities; Printed in lower right: Kyrenia


A printed photograph of Kyrenia decorates the cover of a calendar (1950) issued by the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus. This particular copy was presented to someone by the Director of Antiquities, Arthur Megaw. The calendar is part of an attempt made by the British to promote the island for tourist purposes. The choice of images depicted in the calendar is indicative of what the British public imagination classified as an attractive destination. The wider endeavour, however, was not reduced to the tourist product of Cyprus. It extended to the island’s produce, such as wine and grapes, and to traditional works of craftsmanship. The island’s products and artworks were exhibited at the Commonwealth centre of the Festival of Britain together with those from other British colonies. The ultimate aim of this enterprise was to demonstrate the beneficial effect of British colonialism on social and cultural development in the colonies. Characteristically, the Cyprus Review wrote in January 1952: Posters and black and white reproductions recently issued by the Cyprus Government Office in London have been distributed widely in Britain and overseas and have met with warm praise … so through the medium of art, Cyprus makes new friends. This is a sepia photograph of Kyrenia harbour. None of the houses appears restored and the quay is still in concrete, before being asphalted and turned into a street. The photograph portrays a beautiful panorama of the mountains behind the town


26 x 20 cm


Signed in lower right: J.S. Last





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© Costas and Rita Severis Foundation

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