Did you know

20 Αύγ 2024

Did you know? Ermou Street

In 1882 Nicosia acquired its first street lamps, while in 1903 electricity arrived, first lighting up Government House. Christodoulos Severis was elected the first mayor of Nicosia. His municipal office was set up in Hariklia Argyrides’s house.

Two carriages collected the town's garbage once a week. Despite all efforts though, the habit of throwing garbage in the dry riverbed of the Pedieos continued; like an open sewage, it filled up with dead animals and let out the most disgusting stench. The Municipal Council permitted whoever wanted to fill in part of the riverbed at his own expense; he would then be entitled to build a shop on that plot of reclaimed land. This is how Ermou Street came to be.

In 1888 with contributions by the people of Nicosia, the city acquired its first fire engine. Soon an orphanage and a pauper’s home were established. The British introduced horseracing. The Turkish Cypriots enjoyed competitions of cirit oyunu (spear fighting) during the feast of Bayram, performing on horseback and dressed in colourful attires.

In 1890 part of the moat was planted with mulberries and eucalyptus trees. The municipal authorities concentrated on improving the streets. They bought a carriage with a water sprinkling apparatus and a steam-roller, known as silindir, or jillindri.

In 1893 the Pancyprian Gymnasium was built and a bit later the Phaneromeni School for Girls acquired a new large wing.

Photograph: pht_01709, Jane D’arcy Collection, 20th century

© Costas and Rita Severis Foundation

The ‘Did You Know’ series is made possible with the support of OPAP (Cyprus).

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