Did you know

27 Αύγ 2024

Did you know? Hygiene

In 1897 the first state hospital was built in Nicosia near Paphos Gate, and in 1912 a mental asylum, a little out of town. Doctor Ropas, always on a mule, was followed by a chemist, who announced their arrival in the various quarters of the town.

Whoever has a sick person in his home come forth to us. The doctor will cure the sick and I will administer the appropriate medicine. Do not miss this chance., he would yell out!

By 1910 hygiene awareness increased and the first bathrooms made their appearance in the Cypriot homes thus the decline of the public baths. A merchant "of products of hygiene" proudly advertised the benefits of installing a basin in the home…

Do not kill yourself! He shouted. Make sure you protect your health from dangerous smells from dirty waters in your own house. Buy yourself a washbasin of the finest quality for only a few shillings. Ask your doctor, he will definitely recommend it as the best way to avoid serious illnesses.

Photograph: pht_ 03802, British Military In The Middle East Collection, 20th century

© Costas and Rita Severis Foundation

The ‘Did You Know’ series is made possible with the support of OPAP (Cyprus).

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