Quite often imaginary illustrations were made about Cyprus by artists who did not know the history of the island well. One of these is the marriage of Robin Hood in Cyprus. Obviously, Robin Hood is confused here with another English king, Richard the Lionheart, who married Berengaria in Cyprus.
The illustration presents a large army surrounding the happy newlyweds with a high mountain in the background which looks like St Hilarion. Of course, the marriage of Richard and Berengaria took place in Limassol where no such high mountain exists. Therefore, this presentation is misconceived and imaginary.
Engraving by D.H.F. Riston, 1879
Printed Inscription: Scene from the Pantomime Robin Hood at the Standard. Island of Cyprus.
The ‘Did You Know’ series is made possible with the support of OPAP (Cyprus) and Active Citizens Fund.