PNT-00023 > Portrait of Mrs Razzini, Anonymous, oil on board, 1889
This delightful 12 x 9 cm oil painting on board has been reproduced in the French magazine Le Tour du Monde 1897, p.188. It portrays Mrs Razzini, a descendant of a Consular family in Cyprus since 1778, whose family originated from Venice.
The woman’s attire merits special attention. Although she wears the typical urban costume of ‘Amalia’, a dress worn by Queen Amalia of Greece and her court, the Cypriot version differs. Used primarily by the Consular Corps and the local elite, it acted as a symbol of affluence. Yet, the headwear does not always follow the cap of the Amalia prototype. Instead, Cypriot women continue to use the headscarf. This hybridity of style marks a transition in local costume towards an increasing adoption of elements of foreign fashion.
The 'Sneak Peek' series is supported by OPAP (Cyprus).