Buyuk Khan


Çağdaş, Cevdet Hüseyin (1926-2019)




The Turkish Cypriot Cevdet Cağdas is an educationalist and museologist who painted extensively views of his country. The watercolour of Buyuk Khan is a perspective of the interior courtyard. Built in 1572, it was one of the first constructions on the island upon the Ottoman conquest and one of the most luxurious khans in the Middle East. It had a fireplace in each room on the first floor. On the ground floor, the rooms were used as shops and for the animals. It is built in local sandstone well-rendered in the appropriate colour by the artist. For years, the khan lay abandoned as presented in the picture. It was only in the 1980’s that the khan was restored to its former glory. Today, it is used as an artisan centre.


27 x 40 cm


Signed in lower right: Cevdet

Acquisition Note:

Donated by Ruth Keshishian





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Rights Holder:

© Costas and Rita Severis Foundation

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