Vicers, Frederick
ca. 1880
In front of the Gothic church of the Augustinians, is a Cypriot father with his young daughter. This impressive monument of Nicosia dates from the 14th century and was seriously damaged during the Ottoman attack in 1570. The church was turned into a mosque because it was believed that the spirit of Caliph Omer wanted to lodge there. The building has lost its upper floor bearing now a flat roof. In the distance, is a dome building, a Turkish bath house. The Cypriot father and daughter stand together in a field just south of Omeriye Mosque. He holds her hand. They are probably out picking weeds and herbs, a common practice amongst Cypriots. The father’s costume reveals his Greek ethnicity. The strong family ties of Cypriot families were often commented upon by travelers. Esme Scott-Stevenson remarked in 1878: ‘The fondness of their children, that of the fathers especially, is very touching. Not only do they share all their property amongst them when they grow up, but will often shield them from disgrace at any risk to themselves.’ It must be early spring for although there is lush ground cover, the tree by the wall is still leafless. The clear blue sky, the green ground, the apparent shelter being offered by the building to the figures and the parental devotion exhibited by the father have produced a charming composition, created by a sensitive hand
23 x 34 cm
Signed in lower right: F. Vicers
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