500'den fazla kıyafet, Kıbrıs giysisinin gelişimini ve Doğu ile Batı'dan aldığı etkileri ortaya koyuyor. Paşalar, Valiler, dervişler vb. Kostümleri de koleksiyona dahildir. İç çamaşırları, ayakkabılar, şapkalar, eldivenler ve aynı zamanda ev tekstili ve nakışlar ek bir boyut sağlar.
19th century
20th century
Place mat
20th century
Place mat
20th century
Place mat
20th century
Table runner
20th century
Table runner
20th century
Place mat
20th century
Table runner
20th century
A piece of cloth
20th century
A piece of cloth
20th century
A piece of cloth
20th century
A piece of cloth
20th century
20th century
A piece of cloth
19th century
19th century
A piece of cloth
20th century
Bed skirt
20th century
A pair of socks
20th century
19th century
19th century
Bed sheet
20th century
Bed sheet
20th century
Bed sheet
20th century