Birçok eşya birçok anıyı tetikler ve harika hikayeler anlatır: Hükümet Konağında dalgalanan son bayraktan Kraliçe'nin doğum günü mönülerine, Mağusa'daki toplama kamplarında basılan Yahudi gazetelerine, Kıbrıs sigara kutuları ve Hükümet Konağı konuk kitaplarına vb.
Mould with the Coat of Arms of the Republic of Cyprus
Cannon ball
16th century
Cannon ball
16th century
Jug with lid
19th century
Yogurt bowl with lid
19th century
USS Constitution 1798
20th century
Marine telescope belonging to Mr. Celestine Beraud, agent of Messangeries Maritimes
1880 - 1915
Marine compass of high precision belonging to Mr. Celestine Beraud, agent of Messangeries Maritimes, Larnaca
1880 - 1915
Pinque (pink) St. Antony 1736
20th century
Cypriot oak chest
18th century
Pair of Bohemian petrol lamps
19th century
Silver rose water sprinkler
19th century
Plain Turkish drinking vessel
19th century
Emerald green drinking vessel
19th century
Turquoise drinking vessel
19th century
Opaline rose water sprinkler
19th century
Silver spoon
20th century
Guilded brooch in the shape of a quill
20th century
Steel hair curler
20th century
Blue drinking vessel
19th century
Green drinking vessel with roundel designs
19th century
Dark green glass vessel
19th century
Beige rose water sprinkler
19th century