30 Ιούν 2023

Etheldred Allen

The back of beyond offered the exotic and it was precisely this that caught the attention of Etheldred Allen, …

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23 Ιούν 2023

Jacobus de Verona

The Augustinian monk Jacobus de Verona, in Cyprus in July 1335, was impressed by the wines which, he …

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16 Ιούν 2023

Gladys Peto

Mrs Peto does not only immortalise the beauty of Cypriot women in her book Malta and Cyprus, 1929, …

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09 Ιούν 2023

Esme Scott- Stevenson

The romantic Esme Scott- Stevenson, wife of Kyrenia commissioner in 1879, painted a colourful picture of a Cypriot …

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02 Ιούν 2023

The author, Christopher Furer, a man of distinguished lineage and some learning, was born in 1541, began his travels at 21, and died in 1610.

The author, Christopher Furer, a man of distinguished lineage and some learning, was born in 1541, began his travels …

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26 Μάι 2023

William Turner, Esquire, was attached in 1812 to the staff of Sir Robert Liston, His Majesty's Ambassador to the Porte.

William Turner, Esquire, was attached in 1812 to the staff of Sir Robert Liston, His Majesty's Ambassador to the …

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19 Μάι 2023

The Reverend Edward Daniel Clarke visited Cyprus in June 1801. His narrative of the island is extensive and detailed. He was in Cyprus looking for inscriptions and seals.

The Reverend Edward Daniel Clarke visited Cyprus in June 1801. His narrative of the island is extensive and detailed. He …

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12 Μάι 2023

William Lithgow visited Cyprus sometime between 1609-1621. His description of the island is short but interesting.

William Lithgow visited Cyprus sometime between 1609-1621. His description of the island is short but interesting.

The chiefest and …

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05 Μάι 2023

The author Christopher Furer visited Cyprus in March-May 1566. In the Cathedral of Famagusta he describes the following:

The author Christopher Furer visited Cyprus in March-May 1566. In the Cathedral of Famagusta he describes the following:

In the …

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28 Απρ 2023

In 1599, another traveller from Utrecht, Ioannes Cotovicus, came to the island and approaching Limassol he commented:

In 1599, another traveller from Utrecht, Ioannes Cotovicus, came to the island and approaching Limassol he commented:

You …

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21 Απρ 2023

Alfred Westholm gives lyrical descriptions of his beloved Vouni in 1928

Alfred Westholm gives lyrical descriptions of his beloved Vouni in 1928

It is Sunday today. I am sitting outside under …

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14 Απρ 2023

Seigneur de Villamont, Knight of the Order of Jerusalem, visited Cyprus in 1598:

Seigneur de Villamont, Knight of the Order of Jerusalem, visited Cyprus in 1598:

On Ascension Day, Thursday, May 11, 1589, …

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07 Απρ 2023

Alfred Westholm, a member of the Swedish Archaeological Expedition to Cyprus, wrote to his parents in July 1928:

Alfred Westholm, a member of the Swedish Archaeological Expedition to Cyprus, wrote to his parents in July 1928:

The first …

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31 Μάρ 2023

Girolamo Dandini, S.J., Professor of Theology at Perugia, was sent in 1596 by Pope Clement VIII as nuncio to the Maronites of Lebanon. In August of the same year, he landed in Cyprus where is made a short tour.

Girolamo Dandini, S.J., Professor of Theology at Perugia, was sent in 1596 by Pope Clement VIII as nuncio to …

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24 Μάρ 2023

The Italian Elias of Pesaro had proposed to emigrate with his wife and family to the Holy Land, but news of the plague in Syria induced them to remain in Cyprus, in Famagusta.

The Italian Elias of Pesaro had proposed to emigrate with his wife and family to the Holy Land, but news …

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17 Μάρ 2023

The Venetian Fra Francesco Suriano visited Cyprus in 1424 on his way to Jaffa. He came in August and travelled under the hot sun!

The Venetian Fra Francesco Suriano visited Cyprus in 1424 on his way to Jaffa. He came in August and travelled …

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10 Μάρ 2023

Wilbrand de Oldenborg came from Acre to Cyprus in 1211 and did a short journey of the island: Our pilgrimage was now done, and we toiled on to Famagusta.

Wilbrand de Oldenborg came from Acre to Cyprus in 1211 and did a short journey of the island:

Our pilgrimage …

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03 Μάρ 2023

The famous geographer Strabo, writes about Cyprus in about 23 AD. Now the Cypriots were first ruled in their "several cities by kings, but since the Ptolemaic kings became lords over Egypt, Cyprus too passed to them, the Romans also contributing often the

Now the Cypriots were first ruled in their "several cities by kings, but since the Ptolemaic kings became lords over …

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24 Φεβ 2023

Jacques le Saige a silk merchant of Douai, came to Cyprus in 1518 on his way to Jerusalem;

Jacques le Saige, a silk merchant of Douai, came to Cyprus in 1518 on his way to Jerusalem; He …

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17 Φεβ 2023

In his book Resor I Europa och Ősterländerne 1-2, Stockholm 1826, the Reverend describes his arrival to Cyprus after Rhodes, in September 1820.

In his book Resor I Europa och Ősterländerne 1-2, Stockholm 1826, the Reverend describes his arrival to Cyprus after …

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10 Φεβ 2023

In 1766 Archbishop Constantius of Sinai found that the dwellers of towns were sociable, affable, sumptuous and hospitable, ready, quick-witted, fond of amusement, a little given to ostentation, fond of work, thrifty, and apt at business…

In 1766 Archbishop Constantius of Sinai found that the dwellers of towns were sociable, affable, sumptuous and hospitable, ready, quick-witted, …

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03 Φεβ 2023

Rupert Gunnis wrote to his parents in 1929:

Rupert Gunnis wrote to his parents in 1929:

‘Here we are off on our travels again and I am …

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27 Ιαν 2023

Disappointment was not confined to the appearance of Greek women.

Disappointment was not confined to the appearance of Greek women. Even Turkish Cypriot women appeared disappointing to William Turner, …

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20 Ιαν 2023

Ioannes Cotovicus in 1599, a few years after Cyprus had passed to the Ottomans, described the Cypriots as having fallen to the ways of their conquerors and acquired their vices.

Ioannes Cotovicus in 1599, a few years after Cyprus had passed to the Ottomans, described the Cypriots as having …

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