13 Oca 2023

Perhaps the most important visitor to the island during the nineteenth century was Archduke of Austria Louis Salvador. Impressed by the capital of the island he wrote a book on Nicosia in 1873:

Perhaps the most important visitor to the island during the nineteenth century was Archduke of Austria Louis Salvador. Impressed …

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06 Oca 2023

During the middle of the nineteenth century Cyprus received many French visitors who aimed at exploring its archaeological wealth and… who knows, perhaps reclaim the island.

During the middle of the nineteenth century Cyprus received many French visitors who aimed at exploring its archaeological wealth and… …

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28 Ara 2022

William Turner Esquire was His Majesty’s servant in Constantinople and came to Cyprus in March 1815. He spent some time on the island and wrote about it in his journals.

William Turner Esquire was His Majesty’s servant in Constantinople and came to Cyprus in March 1815. He spent some time …

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23 Ara 2022

The transport between Cyprus and the coast of Asia Minor was in the hands of the Ragusan captain Roretti since 1795;

The transport between Cyprus and the coast of Asia Minor was in the hands of the Ragusan captain Roretti since …

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16 Ara 2022

In 1738, Richard Pococke, after having visited Nicosia and “Telabaise”, followed the path of three miles down to the small town of Kyrenia:

In 1738, Richard Pococke, after having visited Nicosia and “Telabaise”, followed the path of three miles down to …

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09 Ara 2022

Sir Harry Luke included his first experiences in Cyprus in his book 'Cyprus: A Portrait and an Appreciation.'

Sir Harry Luke included his first experiences in Cyprus in his book 'Cyprus. A Portrait and an Appreciation.' …

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02 Ara 2022

Michael de Vezin, of French origin, was for sixteen years His Britannic Majesty's Consul for Aleppo and Cyprus.

Michael de Vezin, of French origin, was for sixteen years His Britannic Majesty's Consul for Aleppo and Cyprus. …

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25 Kas 2022

The extract comes from the text of a letter by Elias of Pesaro, dated Famagosta, October 18, 1568, to his brother or a friend in Italy.

The extract comes from the text of a letter by Elias of Pesaro, dated Famagosta, October 18, 1568, to his …

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17 Kas 2022

Nicolai de Marthono, a noteury of Carinola, wrote about his first site of Famagusta:

Nicolai de Marthono, a noteury of Carinola, wrote about his first site of Famagusta:

On the 27th of the said …

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11 Kas 2022

Wilbrand, Count of Oldenburg, reached Cyprus in 1211 and visited Stavrovouni.

Wilbrand, Count of Oldenburg, reached Cyprus in 1211 and visited Stavrovouni. We continued our pilgrimage thence to visit the cross …

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31 Eki 2022

Bulgaristan'ın eski Kıbrıs Büyükelçisi Hristo Georgiev, 2019 yılında ziyaret ettiği İskele’deki (Trikomo) Aziz Iacovos Kilisesi ile ilgili ilginç bir hikayeyi kaleme aldı.

Bulgaristan'ın eski Kıbrıs Büyükelçisi Hristo Georgiev, 2019 yılında ziyaret ettiği İskele’deki (Trikomo) Aziz Iacovos Kilisesi ile ilgili ilginç bir hikayeyi …

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25 Eki 2022

Kıbrıs Postası'nın eski gazetecisi Percy Arnold, adayla ilgili anılarını 1956 yılında kaleme aldığı ‘’Kıbrıs’ın Mücadelesi’’ adlı kitabında bahsetmiştir.

Kıbrıs Postası'nın eski gazetecisi Percy Arnold, adayla ilgili anılarını 1956 yılında kaleme aldığı ‘’Kıbrıs’ın Mücadelesi’’ adlı kitabında bahsetmiştir.

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22 Eki 2022

Antonıo Mondaini, alias Namindıu, was visiting the village of Lapithos in 1786 and took note of what he saw at the priest’s house.

Antonıo Mondaini, alias Namindıu, was visiting the village of Lapithos in 1786 and took note of what he saw at …

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17 Eki 2022

BAŞRAHİP BENEDICT. Tarih, Gesta Regis Henrici II. ve Ricardi I. başlığı altında, 1177'den 1193'teki ölümüne kadar Peterborough Başrahibi Benedict’e atfedilmiştir.

BAŞRAHİP BENEDICT. Tarih, Gesta Regis Henrici II. ve Ricardi I. başlığı altında, 1177'den 1193'teki ölümüne kadar Peterborough Başrahibi Benedict’e atfedilmiştir.

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29 Eyl 2022

Fransız antikacı Edmond Duthoit 1863 ve 1865 yıllarında Kıbrıs'ı ziyaret etmişti. Adanın dört bir yanını dolaşarak hem eski eserleri aradı hem de bu toprakların güzelliklerine hayran kaldı.

Fransız antikacı Edmond Duthoit 1863 ve 1865 yıllarında Kıbrıs'ı ziyaret etmişti. Adanın dört bir yanını dolaşarak hem eski eserleri aradı …

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24 Eyl 2022

The romantic Esme Scott- Stevenson, wife of the British Commissioner of Kyrenia in 1878, painted a colourful picture of a Cypriot village.

The romantic Esme Scott- Stevenson, wife of the British Commissioner of Kyrenia in 1878, painted a colourful picture of a …

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19 Eyl 2022

Gladys Peto hanım, Malta'dan sonra, 1926-1929 yıllarında İngiliz sağlık idaresinde çalışan kocasının peşinden Kıbrıs'a gider. Adadaki deneyimlerini aktardığı ‘’Malta ve Kıbrıs’’ başlıklı bir kitap yazmıştır.

Gladys Peto hanım, Malta'dan sonra, 1926-1929 yıllarında İngiliz sağlık idaresinde çalışan kocasının peşinden Kıbrıs'a gider. Adadaki deneyimlerini aktardığı ‘’Malta ve …

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11 Eyl 2022

Antonio Mondaini, diğer bilinen adı ile Namindiu, 1785 yılında Kıbrıs'taki bir rahiple adadaki aşılama yöntemi hakkında tartışıyordu.

Antonio Mondaini, diğer bilinen adı ile Namindiu, 1785 yılında Kıbrıs'taki bir rahiple adadaki aşılama yöntemi hakkında tartışıyordu.

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29 Ağu 2022

Disappointment was not confined to the appearance of Greek women. Even Turkish Cypriot women appeared disappointing to William Turner in 1815.

Disappointment was not confined to the appearance of Greek women. Even Turkish Cypriot women appeared disappointing to William Turner in …

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22 Ağu 2022

In 1785, at the village of Piscopia as he called the village better known as Episcopi, Antonio Mondaini or better known as Namindiu, lodged at the priest’s house, where young girls and boys gathered to offer him their respects and gifts.

In 1785, at the village of Piscopia as he called the village better known as Episcopi, Antonio Mondaini or better …

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15 Ağu 2022

In 1834 the first American missionary, Lorenzo Warriner Pease landed in Cyprus, at Lefka. Soon his ship sailed on to Larnaca where he disembarked.

In 1834 the first American missionary, Lorenzo Warriner Pease landed in Cyprus, at Lefka. Soon his ship sailed on to …

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08 Ağu 2022

Antonio Mondaini, alias Namindiu, was in Cyprus in the second half of the eighteenth century and travelled around the island taking notes for a book he was intending to publish. Amongst other cities he visited Kyrenia.

Antonio Mondaini, alias Namindiu, was in Cyprus in the second half of the eighteenth century and travelled around the island …

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01 Ağu 2022

Sylvia Foot, wife of the last Governor of Cyprus Sir Hugh Foot, wrote in her book Emergency Exit, her personal experiences of her days on the island, including some enjoyable anecdotes while at Government House.

Sylvia Foot, wife of the last Governor of Cyprus Sir Hugh Foot, wrote in her book Emergency Exit, her personal …

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25 Tem 2022

When the first Victorian lady to reside in the island, Mrs Esmé Scott-Stevenson, arrived, she was appalled by the appearance of the natives:

When the first Victorian lady to reside in the island, Mrs Esmé Scott-Stevenson, arrived, she was appalled by the appearance …

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