Korphi Village


Oram, Elizabeth




A cobbled lane in the village of Korphi in the Limassol district is bordered by houses built in the local white stone. The doors and windows are of the typical village woodwork on the island. A quintessential feature of such villages is the vine trellis, given prominence here by the artist. Another interesting detail is the holes on the walls which served as traditional ventilation units. In winter, these were blocked with rags to keep the cold out and unblocked in summer to allow drafts of fresh air into the house. The almost monochrome picture of white and the successful shading reflect the heat of summer


30 x 40 cm


Signed in lower right: Oram




Anne Cavendish collection



Object Type:

Oil Painting

Rights Holder:

© Costas and Rita Severis Foundation

Rights Statement:

The Costas and Rita Severis Foundation holds or manages the copyright(s) of this item and its digital reproduction. If you need information about using this item, please send an email to research@severis.org

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