We would be delighted to receive your support. This support may be through volunteer work, joining our committees (promotional, educational, shop, events), through membership, or through sponsoring our events and functions at the Center of Visual Arts and Research.

Adopt a program or a project

● Be it our Christmas event or an educational activity

● Along with our gratitude, have your logo featuring on our website along with more privileges.


Members will enjoy:

  • Priority seating
  • Preview of exhibitions
  • One guest free
  • Newsletter
  • Priority information on events and activities
  • Priority booking of space in CVAR for events, meetings etc.

Membership can be yearly at 25 euro, or for 5 years at a discounted price of 20 euros per year. Special membership fee discount of 20 euros p.p. for group memberships over 10 persons, for corporations, firms etc. Membership may be acquired in person at the entrance of CVAR, or from the website or by post.


Any amount donated to the CVAR goes towards the continuation of the museum’s work and mission in preserving and exhibiting the cultural heritage of Cyprus as well as promoting peace and reconciliation between the communities of the island for a better future.


Whether you are interested in art and paintings, photography, cataloguing, research, or Cyprus culture in general, the CVAR offers volunteer opportunities in various subjects.

Offer your time and in return take the opportunity to learn and experience the operations of a museum and research centre and include your internship on your CV.

Follow us on Social Media

Follow the CVAR on its social media platforms to receive exciting updates about its projects and interesting stories from its collections.
