Polis, Cyprus


Hutton, Ralph


ca. 1960


Inscribed on back: Polis, Cyprus (and artist’s label)


This oil painting captures an interesting site at Polis Chrysochou in the Paphos district. Paintings of Polis are very rare. A small chapel shaded by a tall tree and adjacent to a humble abode is the focal point of the picture. It is situated on high ground by the sea as attested by the water in the background. A Turk walks on the path wearing a fez and white pantaloons. At the corner of the humble house, the figures of two Greek women and a priest are depicted. Further on, a palm tree complements the oriental aspect of the painting. The sky is angry; it is probably fall


30 x 40 cm


Signed in lower right: Hutton





Object Type:

Oil Painting

Rights Holder:

© Costas and Rita Severis Foundation

Rights Statement:

The Costas and Rita Severis Foundation holds or manages the copyright(s) of this item and its digital reproduction. If you need information about using this item, please send an email to research@severis.org

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