The Monastery of the True Cross, Omodos


Oram, Elizabeth




Inscribed in lower left: The Monastery of the True Cross 1973, Omodos; no. 32 £22


This watercolour affords a glimpse into the interior courtyard of the Greek Orthodox monastery of the True Cross at Omodos village. The arrangement of buildings abides by the standard layout of Orthodox monasteries in which a central church occupies central place in a paved courtyard that is surrounded by buildings and high walls. The encircling structures provide for cells and other subsidiary buildings which are necessary for coenobitic life. Chapels often feature on these walls, thus creating a protective ring around the sacred locus to fence off malevolent forces. The church is of the 19th century whereas the surrounding monastic compound dates to the 18th century. The dark green used by the artist is an interesting innovation in outlining structures and defining shaded areas. Once again, the dark green contradicts the brightness of the white walls


35 x 41 cm


Signed in lower right: Oram





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