Numerous objects trigger countless memories and tell wonderful stories: From the last flag flying at Government House to the menus for the Queen’s birthday, to the Jewish newspapers printed in the internment camps of Famagusta, to Cyprus cigarette boxes and Government House guest books, etc.
Ceramic condiment set
19th century
Small framed photograph of a man
19th century
Small framed photograph of a woman
19th century
Small Incense Burner
19th century
Spectacles case
19th century
Framed Portrait
19th century
Hand Fan
Hand Fan
Feathered hand fan
Small wooden shoe
Ceramic pepper shaker
Porcelain Inkwell
Musket ball
Diary cover
Watermark detector
20th century
Key chain
20th century
Key chain
20th century
Vase with tulips
Cyprus soup plate
19th century
Cyprus soup plate
19th century
Plate commemorating the wedding of King George I of Greece and Queen Olga Romanov
19th century
Plate commemorating the wedding of King George I of Greece and Queen Olga Romanov
19th century
19th century
Small plate with artillery
19th century