Numerous objects trigger countless memories and tell wonderful stories: From the last flag flying at Government House to the menus for the Queen’s birthday, to the Jewish newspapers printed in the internment camps of Famagusta, to Cyprus cigarette boxes and Government House guest books, etc.
20th century
20th century
20th century
Grain measure, μόδι [modi]
20th century
Tyler Standard Screen Scale sieve
20th century
20th century
19th century
20th century
Accordion in case
1950 - 1960
Oil lamps
1950 - 1960
Cauldron (chartzin, χαρτζίν in greek)
1930 - 1940
Shoe shiner's case (loustros, κασελάκι λούστρου ή λουστραδόρου in greek)
1940 - 1950
Filmosound film projector
20th century
Filmosound TQ III SPECIALIST film projector
20th century
Siemens 2000 film projector
1955 - 1965
Eumig p8 imperial film projector
1957 - 1966
20th century
Eversharp pencil with box
1940 - 1950
Lusina Geneve watch
1950 - 1960
ORIS watch
Framed needlework - lace medallion
1940 - 1945
Framed needlework - lace medallion
1940 - 1945
Framed needlework - lace medallion
1940 - 1945
Framed needlework - lace medallion
1940 - 1945