Did You Know? During the end of the nineteenth century, England and France were competing as to who would take the most from the fast disintegrating Ottoman Empire.
Both countries were eyeing Cyprus and it was England that, in return for guaranteeing the boarders of Turkey against Russian encroachment, took the island. Disraeli wanted Cyprus by hook or by crook, wanted the “stepping stone to the East”.
William Gladstone, the head of the opposition in England, felt that the Anglo-Turkish Convention which gave Cyprus to England, would not last, or that Cyprus would eventually become a burden. He was not adhered to.
The above cartoon by Jaucastis on the matter satirizes the situation: Disraeli, the Earl of Beaconsfield is sleeping /marrying Miss Cyprus while receiving dirty looks from William Gladstone.
The ‘Did You Know’ series is made possible with the support of OPAP (Cyprus).