Edmond Duthoit, a French antiquarian visited Cyprus in 1863 and 1865. He travelled all over the island looking for antiquities but also appreciating the beauties of the land. A most lyrical description is found in his letter to his mother of 24th February.
"From Nicosia we went to Kyrenia, by the most beautiful path in the world, leading half-way up the valley or rather in a deep ravine full of myrtles and pink laurels, the town itself situated by the sea, being very picturesque…Bella is the jewel in the crown of the island, nowhere have I seen anything so beautiful nor such rich countryside…. Anywhere one turns one’s eye the view changes but it is always ravishing, nothing is more beautiful than the view from the abbey seen from the East when the sun is about to take its dip into the sea. The mountains take on the most beautiful and varied colours passing successively from brilliant red to strong blue. The sea takes on similar shades and as to the sky, it is indescribable, it has an amazing purity."
The 'What I saw...' series is made possible with the support of OPAP Cyprus and Active Citizens Fund.