In the fifteenth-century notes on Cyprus from the De Terra Sancta et Itinere Ihierosol, by Ludolf von Suchen, priest of the church of Sachen in Westphalia, the wines of Paphos are described in detail:
Concerning the vineyard of Engadi: In this same province of Paphus is the vineyard of Engadi: it’s like is nowhere found. It is situated in a very high mountain, and measures two miles in length and in breadth, girt on all sides with a lofty rock and a wall; on one side it has a very narrow entrance, and within it is quite level. In this vineyard grow vines and clusters of many different kinds, some of which produce grapes of the bigness of plums, others small grapes like peas, others again grapes without stones, or grapes in shape like an acorn, all transparent, and grapes and clusters of many other kinds are seen therein. It belonged to the Templars, and more than a hundred Saracen captives were daily therein, whose only task was to clean and watch that vineyard, and indeed I have heard from many of experience that God had made for the use of men no fairer or nobler ornament under the sun. And so, we read of it in the Song of Songs "My beloved is unto me as a cluster (of Cyprus) in the vineyard of Engadi."
The 'What I Saw...' series is made possible with the support of OPAP (Cyprus) and the Active Citizens Fund.