The author, Christopher Furer, a man of distinguished lineage and some learning, was born in 1541, began his travels at 21, and died in 1610. His visit to Cyprus extended from March 29 to May 7, 1566.
There is another church of no great size called Maria Hydria, in which on the right hand is preserved one of those waterpots in which was the water which Christ at the marriage of Cana in Galilee turned into wine. It is a large earthen pot, one handle of which is completely torn off, while the other is partly broken. Besides these two is a third, the Greek church of S. George, in which you see the marble monument of Epiphanius, with a Greek inscription so wasted by age that it cannot be read in its entirety.
Somewhere near this church there lived at that time an old man of small stature called Pietro Paolo, who was said to be of the family of the Scaligeri of Verona. At the capture of that city the Venetians banished him, being yet a boy, to Cyprus, where he was kept for a long time in the castle, but he gained at last leave to wander at his will, but always within the city walls. It had been forbidden him to marry, but by a concubine he begat a son and two daughters, whom he married to two Belgians; one was a doctor of medicine, the other instructed boys in the liberal arts. Both of these throughout our stay in Famagusta did us many kind offices.
The annual income of the bishop of this city is reckoned at 3000 golden ducats. Not far from the city is the site of old Famagusta or Salamin, in which Paul and Barnabas preached the gospel of Jesus Christ. Some of its ruins can still be seen, as well as a church with the subterranean prison of S. Catherine, which seems to be cut out of the rock. Justin writes thus of Salamis (Hist. XII. 3),
" The Galicians assert that after the close of the Trojan war Teucer, whom his brother Ajax' death had alienated from their father Telamon, when he was not received in Salamis retired to Cyprus, and there founded a city bearing the name of his old home."
The 'What I saw...' series is made possible with the support of OPAP (Cyprus) and the Active Citizens Fund.