Wilbrand de Oldenborg came from Acre to Cyprus in 1211 and did a short journey of the island:
Our pilgrimage was now done, and we toiled on to Famagusta. We had gone so far on foot, and were compelled for very weariness to hire asses, and thought we were going to race on them as on stout horses. Then one of our party, whom I do not presume to name, whose tongue many a cup had quickened, when he thought to mount, found his legs going in different ways and fell from his ass, and while trying to rise even received some kicks from it. So was our Silenus overthrown, and spumed by the ass's hoof! He was for throwing all his mishap on the wine when he ought rather to have followed that maxim of Cato's
"You whom wine causes to err, absolve not yourself: No fault lies with the wine, the fault is the drinker's."
Hence we reached Famagusta, a city built close to the sea, with a good harbour, slightly fortified. Here is the third suffragan see of the lord bishop of Nicosia. Near it is the site of some city now destroyed, from which, they say, came that famous and blessed Epiphanius, who is commemorated in the Canon.
From this city, after a delay of three weeks while we waited for a favouring wind, we set sail, and with much toil and through a great storm we returned to Acre.
The 'What I saw...' series is made possible with the support of OPAP Cyprus and Active Citizens Fund.