Photographic Competition
1600 years of Venice celebrations
A collaboration between the Centre of Visual Arts and Research, Nicosia Municipality and the Cyprus Photographic Society
Regulations for photography competition: Venice and Cyprus
The Centre of Visual Arts and Research (CVAR), representing the non-profit organisation “Costas & Rita Severis Foundation” is a museum and research centre in Nicosia, Cyprus.
The CVAR together with the Cyprus Photographic Society and with the kind assistance of the Nicosia Municipality will be participating in the celebrations of the City of Venice for the 1600 years from its founding, with a series of events including a photographic competition.
The aim of the photographic competition is to showcase outstanding bodies of work that have been inspired by the relationship between Cyprus and Venice touching subjects such as history, architecture, landscape, antiquities, people and everyday life, contemporary settings and perspectives, and even artistic interpretations and interventions.
1st Αward €350
2nd Award €100
3rd Award €50
4th, 5th, and 6th places will receive an Honourable Mention
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th place award-winning photographs will be included in the selected photographs to be exhibited as part of the celebrations for the 1600 years from the founding of the city of Venice.
- Participation in the competition is free and open to any candidate from any country.
- Each participant is allowed a maximum of 5 entries
- Registration & Submission:
- The deadline for submissions is 30 June 2021 by 24.00 Cyprus time (GMT+2).
- Every image submitted must be titled with the name appearing on the image itself and on the registration form.
- Participants should download the registration form LINK1, complete it and send it together with their competition entries to the email via .
- Participants are free to partially perform photo corrections (colour, contrast, cropping). However, the use of editing software or filters is prohibited.
- Judges are looking for images that are technically brilliant, exciting, and compatible with the main theme of the contest.
The general theme of the competition is the medieval connection between Venice and Cyprus.
An image will be considered eligible if it contains a visible element of medieval Venice in contemporary Cyprus OR a visible element of medieval Cyprus in contemporary Venice.
Participants are free to stage, re-create, artistically interpret or manipulate a scene to compose their final image.
A list of topics outlining the relationship of Venice to Cyprus can be found here LINK2.
Selection Process
Once submissions have closed, a committee will select the winners by 15 June 2021 and the results of the competition will be announced online with the winner receiving their prize.
Committee members will not be involved with any images submitted for the competition.
All or a selection of the submitted entries will be exhibited as part of the celebrations for the 1600 years from the founding of the city of Venice.
Subject to covid-19 restrictions it is expected that this will take place from June 2021 onwards.
Additional exhibitions or online broadcasts may be carried out by the CVAR within the year 2021 with the intention of exhibiting all submitted entries as long as they conform to the overall scope of the competition and its regulations.
For any type of exhibition, credit will be given to the creators or owners.
In any case, the CVAR may not exhibit any submitted images after the end of the celebration year (2021) without the permission of the photographers.
All announcements and updates regarding the competition will be made on the social media platforms of the CVAR and it is the responsibility of participants to follow them.
Facebook: Twitter:
By registering, a participant agrees that the CVAR may use their email address to send them news and announcements.
Acknowledgments – Confirmations
By submitting an entry, a participant confirms and acknowledges the following:
- Copyright of the submitted entry belongs to the participant, who is the copyright holder for all elements of the image submitted or has obtained a relevant consent from the copyright holder. The CVAR assumes that the participant has acted in good faith and diligently in obtaining all copyright consents such as exhibition and publication rights, and they are responsible for the work submitted.
- All entries submitted shall be handled, screened, and exhibited by the CVAR under the best possible conditions. The CVAR shall not be responsible for the material that does not conform to the stated guidelines or for any technical problems.
- No exhibition or other fee will be paid to any participant.
- All entries may be composed in promotional compilations and publications, screened, exhibited, or posted on any platforms and by means of any medium including but not limited to the internet in general, television, cinematic, theatre, or any other at the discretion of the CVAR.
- The CVAR may retain all material related to the competition entries in its archives and present them at later dates within the year 2021 (see section “6. Exhibition”).
- The CVAR retains the right not to present or exhibit an entry it deems unsuitable or outside the scope of the competition
- All of the above also applies to entries submitted but not eligible for the competition.\