A few thoughts and notes on the activity
'Museum at Home' is a new series of activities based on paintings, photographs, or objects from the collections of the museum. These activities provide an opportunity or an excuse just to sit with your children, observe together, think, discuss and create.
The texts and the activities are aimed at children 6+ but you can adapt them to suit the age of your own child.
The activities are designed to provide some pleasant time with your children so you don't need to set any time limits, worry about what's wrong and what's right, or insist on activities that your child is not interested in.
We would love your opinions and feedback so don't hesitate to contact us. You can make your own suggestions for future activities or you can suggest exhibits that we can use in the next few weeks. You can contact us anytime at education@severis.org
You can have a look at the collections of the museum here